OK here is a cut and past from an email I sent last night to explain to my buddies why I wouldn't be playing EQII tonight.

Short version is simply
If you are considering replacing a hard drive at the time you are upgrading, Do not install Windows 7 on a secondary hard drive (not currently the master, boot drive.) It will indeed place all the OS files on the secondary drive but it still utilizes the boot sector on the primary drive, thus forcing you to keep both drives in place to keep it working.

Aside from that, the Windows 7 install was actually the most painless install I have ever done. 40 minutes and everything just worked. No hunting for old driver CDS, no struggling to get on the internet to look for even more drivers. It just plain worked. I was very surprised. Even my Mom could do this upgrade.

Most people wouldn't end up with the scenario I got myself in but it took a few head scratches to figure out the best way to remedy it so I thought I would share.

I'm super happy with the PC now. With the 64 bit version installed it's able to fully utilize the 8GB of RAM I upgraded it to and now it seems like nothing slows it down.

I installed a widget to display the utilization of the two processors and memory usage and the only way I was able to max out the processors was to let hoggy ol' iTunes do it's thing to convert the wma songs that it doesn't like, play flacs on winamp, and have two big file copy sessions going. Even with the dual processors redlining there wasn't a single hiccup in the song play and memory usage never broke 65%.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.