Originally Posted By: MarkSJohnson
...At the risk of sounding snooty, this was SO white-trash I kept hearing "Bad Boys, Bad Boys, What You Gonna Do? What You Gonna Do When They Come For You" in my head. The woman, pregnant, was in a way-oversized T Shirt, pregnant (yeah, she was SO pregnant it's worth mentioning again), with a toddler in her arms and a smoke hanging out of her mouth. Crap everywhere.... so you had to look down when you walked. Which was good, because I wanted to avert my glaze anyway. A Rottweiler alternated low growls with stopping to scratch himself.

So she takes me to the "den" to see the speakers, and these things were beat.... each had a foot broken off, the veneer was coming off in places, cones dented, etc. I asked the woman if she was sure this was the right pair, because they were described as "like new"? She assured me they were and asked if I wanted to hear them. By this time, though, my mind had already started to imagine the fleas biting my ankles and attaching themselves to my socks and shoes for me to take home. I declined, politely telling her they were WAY too big for my living room, and left.


That actaully put a smile on my face! I was still a little pissed off about the situation this morning...

thanks Mark! \:\)

"And if ya' let me cool you one time, you'll be my regular stop" -DLR