My order has shipped!
yay.... I guess it took a couple days longer to ship that I'd expected, but what the heck. Truth be told, I need to figure out how I'm going to configure my listening area. My TV watching area is tiny - basically the size of a large "booth" in a restaurant.

Thinking the niftiest thing I could do is go ahead integrate the new speakers plus amp and pre-amp into my TV watching experience, too. Even though it won't be surround, for now.

So I need to remove this little surround sound thingy I've been using
and hook the TV up to my stereo pre-amp instead.

Only thing is, the pre-amp only has one AUX in, which I use with my computer. Wondering if the TV could go into the Tape In, and then I could use it/be able to hear it with Tape Monitor button pushed.
Anybody know if TV sound can go in through Tape In? or, CD in?
I play CD's through my computer, so that goes through the AUX, like I mentioned.

Hate to make the Z Vox be "unemployed". Maybe I could give it to my Mom for her bedroom TV. hmmm....
The Z vox has some distortion and vibration of its cabinet when deep bass tries to be there. So I won't miss that aspect of it. I will miss the surround effect during sports, mostly.
I love the surround, though fake, during football.

Anyway, in a sense its good that the Axioms took a few days longer to ship, as that will give me this weekend to reconfigure that area. I just can't BELIEVE the number of electrical plugs required for cable box, router, phone and internet modem, power adapter for laptop, regular desktop 'puter, etc one more if I want to stream music from puter to pre amp wirelessly - for the Airport Express. sheesh. Not to mention AC window unit, a lamp, the TV and now power amp plus pre-amp!

So, lots to do to get ready for the new babies to arrive.

Just thinking out loud here...
If anyone knows about whether or not I can run the TV into the pre-amp via either Tape IN or CD inputs, I'd appreciate the info.

Aunty Em
Tampa, FL