So we're watching something on turkey day and POOF! There goes to TV. No problem, I'll just activate my 3 yr/2 bulb warranty!
OH, Wait! It's a 4 day holiday for most folks. Finally got a hold of an electronics store 45 minutes away that has a bulb in stock. Whoo Hoo!! How much? $269.95, the guy says. Not only NO, but #@!! NO. I can wait for the warranty folks to get back on Monday. So in the mean time, I've got no TV and there's a Saints game Monday night... $35 later and I've got a coax cable taped to the floor going to the TV that only runs XBOX for the kiddies.
In the mean time, I've got an extra bulb coming in from a eBay seller (recommended by another thread here for lamps) for $93 delivered. So now I've got a backup until the warranty folks decide to ship one, and it'll be ready when the next bulb blows. And it will.

