Okay, I'm really kidding. I appreciate all the great information from Axiom on sub placement... for my room and the entertaiment center I'm building I wanted the sub in the front/center of the room (right in front of my seat incidentally). I was hoping this would also produce satisfactory bass for all listeners in the room and I wouldn't get stuck having to re-wire everything. Form vs function (and SAF) the eternal struggle.

I don't know if it's "optimal" or not, but that EP500 tried to bring my house down!!! Can you have too much bass? It didn't sound muddy or boxy, just loud, visceral, and the kind of thing that just makes you grin from ear to ear. During the opening scene of Dark Knight, when they blow out the window, I think I felt it more than heard it. It was like someone through a ball at my chest. We all jumped it was so real. For someone who has spend a good bit of time with firearms, the gunshots were sufficiently punchy and tight. Some of the explosions may have been a little too much, I may dial it down just a hair. I don't need things falling off the walls upstairs.

Playing some Jazzy Christmas music with a drum solo sounded/felt like the drums were in the room.

I guess I'm not telling you guys anything you don't know, but these are great speakers, and at least for me, that sub seems like it could power through any placement problems.

All my placement issues are now worked out, time to build my entertainment center and install my T60s in their home.

Carry on.