Oh yeah, I definitely will want the ability to do HT in the future, even though I only have the two mains and a center speaker at this point. I just decided to upgrade the receiver in my system first. Also, one of the reasons I liked these two systems is that they both have preouts if I wanted to someday transition to a separate component system. In this case, I could start off with the amplifier, and not have to buy all separate components at once. At this point, I am auditioning these two units for their performance with music more than HT

To me it looks like the Yamaha has more component input flexibility, more features, and a more powerful remote with learning capability. I also like its aesthetic design better.

But there's just something about the HK that makes me wonder if I shouldn't get it. I can't help being swayed by the number of people who own one and seem to love them. I can't really find any Yamaha owners to specificly ask about the 1400.

And worst of all, I can't find a dealer with both models to listen to them side by side!