Yeah, but I have no need for a 3rd or 4th nunchuck... So I will be sticking with my 2 white ones. I know that the Wii Motion Plus is removable, but again, 2 black controllers with an all white system... I like my equipment to be the same color. It always bothered me a little bit (just a little) when I had my Panasonic DVD player in my home theater. It was silver, and everything else was black... Maybe it is stupid, but when I just need two white $40 controllers, I don't want to pay an extra $20 to get them in a color I don't want, with a feature that I don't need. If Wii Motion Plus really becomes that big of a deal, I'll fork over the $20 each (I know, more than if I just bought it now) in the future...

Farewell - June 4, 2020