Hi everybody, this is my second post on this forum and i am glad to share here my experience on the audio stuff ( please excuse my english writing if mistakes are found ) .

I specially thanks CHESSEROO for his reply to my first post; his post greatly helped me decide witch of the m40's or m50's should i buy. I wanted to know the sound difference in between the 40's and the 50's and his post witch include an old post from FHW ( thank also to him ) was the answer to all my questions. Also i wrote about my deceptions about my Mission freedom 754 loudspeakers and specilly about their lack of low frequency.

Now that i have said this, i am glad to announce that this last saturday, i have sold my Mission754. These supposed performance loudspeaker and the companys flagship loudspeaker paid $1200 ( $Can ) 6 month ago ( and this was a good price, knowing it could costed more if bought in late 1997 ) , i have sold it for half the price paid. Maybe the guy who bought it made a deal , but my deception about its lack of low's and all the reading on Axiom loudspeakers reviews made me took this decision.

So, i've also ordered my M40's this Sunday and hope receive it before Christmas ( i must be dreaming ) so that i can hear the sound quality difference in between these and my Mission's. I hope that i've made the good choice . The m40 would have cost me the return price of the Mission plus $95 , so i hope that this exchange worth the difference.

I will write back my satisfactions ( and hopefully no deception ) as soon has i've listen to my m40's.

Also feel free to add any commentary on this choice or the Mission's loudspeakers