If you can handle the type of music, The Flamig Lips' new DVD-A of Yoshiimi Battles the Pink Robots is amazing.

The Flaming Lips are similar musically to Coldplay, just more techno sounds mixed in to give you an idea of what they sound like.

The DVD-A is incredibly aggressive with the sound mix, there are lots of extra material such as new songs, remixes of older songs and many videos as well as behind the scenes of videos.

And to top that all off, you get a second disc which is the original CD version playable on any CD player.

Easily the best release of a DVD-A yet. And easily shows the superiority of the format over SACD. Not that I do not like SACD. It is just that DVD-A has more potential as shown with this excellent release.

Even if you do not have DVD-A capabitlity, the DVD-V mix is still excellent fun to listen to.