Don't know but I went back to see Avatar again with a friend who hadn't seen it yet. I wanted to see it one more time before it left the giant 3D screen. Not only did I experience way more visual detail the second time through but I also noticed a LOT more nicely done detail in the audio effects. The noises of the habitat, the fauna being brushed aside, even insects that were not necessarily prominent in the picture at the time.

You made me think of it with the words "Snapping up". There is a scene where a large, pterodactyl like creature is chasing them and snapping it's huge jaws at them. A couple of the bigger snaps sounded so real and so close to me that it made the hairs on my neck stand up.

I'm unsure about how good the new 3-D TV technology is going to be to do this movie justice but audio wise, I think we have the new Master and Commander in the making when this hits home theater.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.