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Concentrate on what will make a real difference, the speakers and the room.
How come no "audiophiles" ever tells us about how they shifted a throw pillow on the couch and the ensuing sound was "more open in the mids with less harshness in the highs and highly controlled bass"?!!!

That does raise the further questioning of stereo owners who will pay $2000 for attractively marketed cables and interconnects, but wouldn't think of adding a second layer of drywall to their media room offset by furring bar - which, acoustically, would benefit them much more.

Maybe drywall companies need to get on this bandwagon too... new Domtar SilverSnake Pro XP35 1/2" drywall - from the leader in sound damping, the world's most acoustically transparent building material. But again, you have to wait for all the gypsum molecules to align.

Bren R.