Originally Posted By: Adrian
Dean, by "dark", do you mean white lettering on true black or just a somewhat darker colour. It's when I try to read normal type on black background that I have problems. I do prefer some colour(light blue, green ect) in the background but prefer black type.

Ah well, that's why we have "preferences".

Here I use the ubbthreads-dark style sheet so most of the screen is dark grey, dark blue and some black with a sort of subdued white lettering. At AVS I use the blue background w/yellow lettering. I think I remember them changing that from the default a while back so I switched back over. For most other sites I just use larger fonts and stopped messing with the colours using custom style sheets. My room is very dark so when the whole screen is white it’s overpowering.

It’s been a while since I’ve played with it but even Windows allows you to change the background and text colours of some programs though it’s not a flexible as something like Linux.

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