Hi SidVicious,

If you are in Canada, I reviewed the Harmony and two other inexpensive universal remotes for Here'sHow magazine (it's a feature called "Take Control") in the latest issue.

None is perfect, but the function-based Harmony worked well, once it found the codes for my aging CRT set, which was built in Canada by Hitachi. At first, it couldn't find the codes, which sent me into a rage (Harmony is a Canadian company).

If you have other non-techie family members, they'll love it, because you just choose a function, like "Watch DVD," and it does everything. The problem is if you are an inveterate tweaker like me, when you want to go to a sub-menu to choose, say, an optical digital input instead of an analog input, it takes forever scrolling. I end up grabbing the dedicated remote for the component in question because it's faster, which sort of defeats the purpose. But it's great for most others. I even set up a separate command to just "Watch TV News without Surround", which only turns on the TV and the cable box, using the TVs internal speakers.


Alan Lofft,
Axiom Resident Expert (Retired)