Originally Posted By: PeterChenoweth
It won't work with Satellite HD. Ergo, it's useless to me. ;\)

Actually, I'd like to return to Tivo. "Back in the day", with Cable + SD, our first DVR's were Tivos. They were great. Changed how we view TV forever. Tivo still has the best DVR experience on the market and I'm sure the S4 will continue that. Would be hard for me to give up my free triple-tuner HD DVR that Dish provides, as it's DVR functions are ok. And have to go back to our horrible local cable provider. \:\(

On a technical front, it looks great. But I think it's pretty lame that Tivo still charges $300-$500 for an HD DVR box that doesn't include built-in Wifi. That's so 2003. How much are WiFi chipsets these days, a few cents? Seems odd that a state-of-the-art brand new DVR with a focus on the online experience would lack such a basic thing. I guess it's a good business opportunity to gouge their customers out of another ninety bucks for a WiFi dongle. And people think Apple overcharges.... ;\)

But really, I look forward to the day when we can get away from streaming programming and the need for DVR's all together. Just have everything be on-demand, ala AppleTV, Boxee, Hulu, etc.

Tivo announced a return to DirecTV last year. But as is typical, they take forever to happen. Like, what happened to the Tivo interface on Comcast? It rolled out back east and then disappeared.