Well, considering the grief I'm encountering by having my music in lossless WMA format, can anyone suggest how to convert my collection? I just tried using foobar2000. It started off fast, but then it slowed way down, so I aborted it. None of my cores were being used very much at all, and I'm wondering why. Is there better software out there for this, and if not, is there a better way to do this? Can someone point me to a tutorial, perhaps? It would be nice if I could leverage more of my computer's horsepower so it doesn't take over 20 hours to convert my collection. Also, it's possible to embed album artwork in each FLAC file, right? Does any player software actually utilize the embedded artwork? I notice that the FLAC files I did create did not have artwork that showed up in MediaMonkey. I don't know if this is a limitation of foobar2000's conversion tool or if player software generally doesn't support embedded artwork in FLAC files. I realize cover.jpg or folder.jpg in the same folder are the more common way of doing things, but I sort of prefer to have one artist folder and no subfolders for albums. I just find it easier to browse that way, especially since I have soooooo many releases that aren't full albums, so it would make more steps every time I want to find just one track.

I'm sure there everything could be easier if I simply let some player's music library management feature take over, but I'm resistant to giving up control.

Anyway, if you have any tips, I'd love to hear them. Thanks!