That J3 device does look interesting; I wonder how its final specs (and price) will compare to ZuneHD and iPod Touch.

I do have a definite dislike of Apple. It's funny how so many people hate Microsoft for being big and "evil" yet it's Apple that is actually the evil company (when comparing the two). Their recent lawsuit against HTC for instance is complete and utter crap.

Apple is a great hardware company. They do make some good pieces but they (over)charge way too much for most of it from my perspective. I also don't get the whole OSX is better than Windows thing. I've worked on both systems and of course a lot of it has to do with what you are used to but I can't stand how OSX is setup. I definitely have never witnessed anything more special you can do on a Mac than a PC. Every company has zealots and it just appears to me that the Apple ones are some of the worse when it comes to drinking the cool aid, but props to Apple for knowing their market and how to make money from it.