Sorry about that. Been busy lately. I just meant to drive some PVC pipe into the ground and use that for your post in the wet locations. 2” or larger. Probably 3” now that I think about it some more. You can screw or mount fencing to it just fine. If you get schedule 80, it drives into soft dirt fairly easy with a pole driver. A pole driver is basically a chunk of heavy black pipe with handles on the sides and capped at the top. You just set it over the post, lift, drop, over and over again till the post is driven as far down as you need or you can’t drive it any further. Great thing about PVC, is you can bend it later if goes down crooked. Just use a weed burner to heat it (don’t get too close or you’ll burn the pipe), then you just carefully bend it. I can give you a more detailed explanation than that if you go down this road……