Actually i checked this week for costs of Home Depot cable and in Canada it was $1.47/ft for 12ga, not as cheap as i thought it would be.
But biwiring doesn't do anything.
Think about this logically.
You are taking ONE signal from your receiver and then sending the IDENTICAL signal to 2 separate drivers and each driver must then figure out which range of signals are appropriate for its use.
If you took that one signal and using one wire sent it to one speaker plugin, EACH driver still has to figure out the same information.
Nothing is different.
It is analogous to using a power bar. It doesn't matter if you plugin a 120W light bulb or a 60W light bulb to the power bar, each lamp has to figure out what it needs from the SAME source.
Biamping however is taking TWO completely different power entities and setting them up to power each driver from DIFFERENT sources.
The physics makes sense.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."