Alan: Having used your current custom order pages twice in the last 9 months, I think it's a vast improvement. Having all your choices/prices right there is great. I forgot. Is there a place near the price calculator that re-visits each of your choices
(i.e. model(s), finish, stain, gloss, grille, etc.) collectively?

If there is, awesome. If not, it would be the final "all there" thing left to include.

Picky, picky: the font in the far right box (the black on white)is a little hard-assed. Coax me gently ;\)

And in the choice title boxes, the dark yellow orange text, on the almost equal value blue ground, could be easier to read. Bigger hue or value jump. Oh, that's in the picky, picky column as well.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.