Thanks guys. I did a little searching and found a reference to the Crystal City area. I found a DoublTree, which used to be a good business class hotel, but Crystal City is right next to the Airport.

I also found an Econo-Lodge (OK, not quite the same class) out on 66 right on top of a Metro Station. Its right on the route we would take to get in to Washington. Not sure what that area is like or the quality of that particular hotel/motel.

I talked to my son and he gave the trip idea a very enthusiastic "sure, why not". ::rolly-eyes:: For him thats a ringing endorsement, so it looks like this is a go.

The plan is to leave Friday afternoon or Saturday morning, stay in Washington for a couple of days, and then maybe head out to Chesapeake Bay for a couple of days.

The primary goal was to see the dinosaur exhibit at the Natural History museum and the Air and Space museum, but once you've driven that far...

I have up to a week if I want, so lots of time to see stuff. I love history, so any historic sites with period exhibits would be cool.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!