Sorry, should have been clearer....

My Whole Home Audio Amp only has Analog RCA Stereo inputs, so eventually I need to get the audio to that amp in analog form.

I have Ethernet in the walls, so Analog audio over 60 feet gives some noise, and I have a weird grounding loop between the two amps. So, I'd like to go digital.

I have an Optical Digital Out on my Denon, and I also have an Optical to SPDIF converter to get the optical out to SPDIF (Coaxial Digital Out... I think it stands for Sony Philips Digital Interface Format)

So, the connection would go:

Denon Optical > Optical>Coaxial > 60 foot run in walls > ?????? > Analog Input to Whole Home Audio System.

It's the ????? that I need to find, or come up with a better solution.
