i am a perfectly new member to this message board, but have been reading it for a few weeks now. i have been sold on the axioms, and i am fixing to make my order.. with that comes my problem, and my question..

i have a large room, 25' by 30', but the listening couch will be in the middle of the room, approx 10-12 feet from the tv.. now, here is my dilemma.. due to the size of the room, i need a lot of sound to fill it, so my budget will allow me to have the 150 center, and the M60's in the front.. but that will only leave me with enough money for the QS4's as my surround speakers.. if i drop down to the M50's on the front, then i would be able to afford the QS8's.. so there in lies my question, which would you do?? i already have a vega LW-12 sub, so i dont think lack of low end will be a prob.. will the M50's be able to fill the large room with a fair amount of mids?? will i be dissapointed in the QS4's?? will my wife just let me spend whatever i want??? DOUBTFUL..

please give me any advice avail as to my situation. do i sacrifice overall sound by dropping to the M50's.. or will the QS8's, make up the difference?? HELP, i am losing sleep over this..

thanks, bigjohn
san angelo, tx