10 gauge with the BJC banana plugs will fit into the Axiom binding posts (unless they have changed them recently) and all other AV electronics.

I have personally assembled BJC locking banana plugs with 10 awg BJC speaker wire and since the BJC 10 awg is so thick you need a perfect strip on the wire because there is not much room in the gap where you are inserting the wire into the plug. If it is not a "clean strip" the strands will "jam" when you are inserting the wire into the plug and will cause it to slightly expand the tip. I had this same problem with a few I did an incompetent job on and they only fit part way into the binding post . I re-stripped the wire, re-assembled and then they fit fine.

The problem is that 10 awg is a boderline gauge wire to be used with the locking plugs. If you decided on the 12 awg, you wouldn't have run into this problem. Its totally fixable though.

I’m armed and I’m drinking. You don’t want to listen to advice from me, amigo.

-Max Payne