In a recent post in "Receiver Flip-Flop", people began discussing Rotel and NAD as brands that bear a close look when considering A/V components.

I've learned quite a bit from reading items on these boards, and I think it is safe to say that the posters here stand behind the Denon 3803, the Yamaha 2400 and a few others as the "standard-bearers" for that particular price-point.

Would anyone care to throw out some similar "can't miss" A/V receivers (or combos) in the price range of 1200-1800. I assume some of the offerings of Rotel and NAD - and perhaps Outlaw which seems to get good press here most of the time - would be included in such a list, but I'd be interested in learning what other brands deserve consideration.

Along the same lines, what DVD/CD players in the 700-1200 realm should be considered "must-sees"?

I seem to enjoy "quote marks".


Also, I would echo the sentiments of many others by noting that this board is fantastic in terms of levels of advice, scope of information and ease of navigation. I have gone from "Well, I'll just log on to Crutchfield and buy what they're selling on close-out" to "If I don't eat for 4 out of 7 days, I can probably get the M80s..."