I agree whole heartily michael. This is why it is difficult for many to make a decision when looking for reinforcement on forums. I decided to just do it because I wanted to, not because I felt I needed to. Now the dilemma of trying to understand why I feel/hear a difference has started. The last time I had my meter out was before adding the sep amps, and I was getting readings above 90db with music and 100db+ during movies. I guess that may explain a possible improvement, but per the calculators I've been linked to my avr should be able to power to that level.

I'm just trying to help those who may be on the fence, or wondering like I was. By no means am I trying to start another argument or revitalize a topic that has been discussed over and over. This topic becomes popular due to the constant communication of possible difficulties of avr's driving Axioms, and the fact that they can handle more than what any avr can provide. I do truly appreciate everyone's help, and willingness to share information.

M80's,VP180,QS8's,Epik Empire X 2
Integra 50.1,3 Emotiva UPA-1's,Antimode 8033