I never really learned much of it either just enough to get this done. The fact I had to force the drive to mount was the point that made me look up the programming terminolgy and I only looked for the drive specifics. I found one example in the Ubuntu forum that was very helpful for doing this.

Just another hour or so and the drive should be copied to the external back up as long as I don't copy my music file over. I am tempted to just rip them all again and use AAC lossless for all the iPods I have in the house and with the DNS 323 acting as the iTunes server this should make it easier for my wife to access all of our music, I think I just talked myself into it. I guess I have some ripping to do this month.

M80 v2
VP160 v3
QS8 v2
PB13 Ultra
Denon 3808
Samsung 85" Q70