Comcast ended our Triple Play package in May. So our $135 bill increased monthly until it was $232 in July. I only noticed now. Only when I threatened to move to DirecTV did Comcast agree to dropping HBO and my sports package to make it $140. I HATE Comcast. I hope the iTV rumors come true, I'm pretty close to bagging it all and going Hulu Plus and iTV.

I can't get FIOS or uVerse and I don't want DirecTV because I still love my Tivos, which I can live with using antennas.

The new Boxee beta came out today. I tried it on my Mac and it actually will now find Hulu vids on it's search engine. I can run it on my AppleTV but sadly, I can't do a proper 'login' so no Hulu Plus for now.

Comcast, you have a short life in my house.