Front projector systems have different demands than a rear projection or flat panel displays. Any reflection whatsoever will adversely affect the image. ANSI contrast ratio being the most largely effected piece. ANSI CR is what gives the image "punch" and 3-D depth. Just as audiophiles go through extreme measures for SQ, videophiles do to. I've seen some pretty crazy techniques that folks go through to eliminate light spill, right up to sealing the projector light path in the machine itself. For room color, flat black is the most preferred, but it's ugly and a real bitch to keep clean. A good compromise is painting the screen wall black, the ceiling black and the remaining walls a dark color in an eggshell finish. Black velvet on the walls is the ultimate, but costly. I'm pretty fussy about video quality, but settles for painting everything a dark burgundy in eggshell. I can see some reflection, but not enough to bother me. If I want light in the room, I open a black out shade over the window or turn on some lights.