Originally Posted By: HomeDad
Hopefully the bankruptcy and reorganization makes them a better company, Although I use Netflix 90% of the time I like having choices, and the more competitors in the market will keep the prices of rentals down.

That’s my hope. Continuing to operate the way they were was useless to me, and at least here in my area they presented no competition of any kind except for their vending machines which from the article I understand is unaffected by this.

I agree with CatBrat in that I had more problems with Blockbuster despite receiving only about a tenth of the disk from them as I did from Netflix. Their website was slow, buggy, didn’t provide as useful information as Netflix and was hard to navigate.

My worst problem with them was when I would have over 50 disk queued up and listed as available only to not receive a disk for a week. When I would login my queue, still showing 50 disks available, would indicate I needed to make more selections so that they could ship something to me. IMO their online service was total crap.

Their in-store service was a mixed bag. More than once I returned a disk only to get a call that I hadn’t returned it. Only to go to the store pull it off the shelf tell them to scan it and viola it was the one I had checked out.

My one good experience with them was one employee at a store who was well versed in anime when I was first starting to get interested. He was very helpful in selecting interesting titles but for the most part their store employees were brain-dead.

I’m also with Cam in that sometimes a little revolution is a good thing.

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