Hey so, I am looking at buying a set of axioms for a HT setup. I'm looking at the m60s, qs8s, and vp150 (I have the sub covered already). From everything I've read, I think I will be quite happy with them, and I won't feel like I need to upgrade for a good many years (if then?) My question is: I have a kenwood reciever (don't know the # off the top of my head) but it puts out 100W/channel and is rated at 8 ohms. I'm worried about the qs8s and vp150 rated at 6 ohms, and about running into problems underpowering them since they're rated at 250 W and up. Can anyone tell me if they have a similar setup, and what problems if any they have encountered? The reciever doesn't have preouts for anything but a sub, so hooking up a seperate amp is not a possibility. (And I'm pushing my price limit as it is.)

[black]-"The further we go and older we grow, the more we know, the less we show."[/black]