I was on my way to Chris' (Lampshade) house today to hear his Reynaud bookshelf speakers. They were pretty impressive for their size, and so present and clear. Amazing with acoustic intruments, orchestral, and voice. Like all bookshelf models, just not able to get down into R & R's killing fields. Beautifully finsihed as well.

I left a bit early to go there and had some time to kill. The Stihl dealer is less than a mile away from Chris' house (which is <2 Mi. from mine----an Axiomite distance record?).

So, I stopped in "just to look." I think I've made most of my life's purchases when I was out "just to look."

The salesman came over to help me. I told him what my needs where and explaned that all of the ones I was looking at seemed a bit large for my needs.

He told me, "Those are hedge trimmers. The chain saws are over here."

In my defense, they all had full plastic covers on the cutter parts.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.