Originally Posted By: bridgman
Masonry heaters... big-ass heat storage fireplaces...

Well that's the first one here that I haven't heard of.

I'm giving away a personal trade secret here, but if you have wall cracks that reappear every few years, buy arists' grade acrylic matte medium.It has the consistency of Parkay, is milk white, and dries clear. It has infinitely more tensile strength than any plaster or mud. Do first pass with it, then all following passes with mud/paster.

I've used it to repair my car bra. In 5 yrs. of NE weather, the repairs still held. I've used it to glue on denim patches to work pants. Washer/dryer for years w/o failure.

And, a dab on the button threads of each shirt: still have 'em holding steady as long as 20 years!

xxoo, Heloise

Last edited by BobKay; 12/01/10 03:45 PM.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.