After months of waiting for my Denon 3310 HDMI to get fixed, I finally got it fixed. Then it took a few months for me to finally re-install it in the AV rack.

I spent the evening moving my Harmony settings from my old Pio 45TX to the 3310 and started playing w/ the radio features. I used the included HD Radio antenna and didn't pull any stations, granted I didn't really try to position the antenna. Then, for kicks, I connected my HD OTA antenna from my HD Tivo to the 3310 and was able to pull in quite a few stations. Has anyone played enough w/ HD radio to know if my OTA is any worse than a specific HD radio antenna? It'd make my life easier if I could just put a splitter there.

This doesn't solve my AM problem though.

I also played w/ some of the streaming radio features, including Wow, there's a lot of options there, a bit overwhelming.