Ahh yes, the extremely hot Underworld DD track. A bunch of people have thought this same thing when watching this movie on other systems too, but it is an extremely hot track. On my QS8 surrounds I did notice a slight "buzzing" (kinda sounds like two pieces of metal rubbing together) that seems to be typical of Axioms when the driver screws just aren't tight enough, but a simple tightening with an allen wrench like suggested above will remedy this problem. I would most definitely do this before starting to move stuff around. As for the "crackling" that is something that DD is notorious for, and with the Underworld DVD's hot track it's over emphasized. There are some DVD's where you can here it even at low volumes like on Anger Managment (mostly just the dialogue), but not something to worry about. If you thought your system was broken in, guess again, that Underworld DD track will officially pop your theaters cherry.