Originally Posted By: cb919
Originally Posted By: HomeDad
... The big bonus for us was in our propane savings, the unit has more than paid for itself.

Michael, that's one area that I have not been able to figure out - if the savings on natural gas will offset the increased price of purchase & installation.

I'm not an expert but I would assume the size of your house would make a big difference. Our old water heater had to do a lot of work to keep the water in our house warm, I'm sure in part due to having so much line to accomidate 5 bathrooms,I would still have to run the water to get it hot, and in certain rooms it would never get as hot as I wanted, it wasn't uncommon for us to also run out of hot water. The tannkless never runs out of hot water and you can set the temp. up to 130 F. That being said I think you would still realize a savings in a smaller home due to the fact it uses gas on demand. And if you like scalding showers like I do it's the way to go.

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.