Ockham - we share your pain! Not that I was desperate enough to use it , but I had a contingency plan in the event they tried to deliver when no one was home. Since you know the boys are currently taking a local tour in town, you might consider calling FedEx to see if you can swing by and pick them up yourself. Tonight.

My guess is that you will be able to fight that urge and control your anticipation by waiting until tomorrow. (Soooo, we should look for pics here at what - 7:30, 8:00 tonight?)

On a more serious note, as I read through this thread regarding the speaker wire, there is one thing I should mention. Home Depot (and other stores like them) offer the wire two ways.

The first is in precut/packaged rolls (50', 100', etc.). This is usually the more expensive choice because 1) the per foot charge is higher and 2) if you need 110 feet, you must buy a 50' roll AND a 100' roll. You may also be faced with the choice of splicing wire together in mid-run or getting another roll.

The second way is cheaper per foot and much more flexible. Somewhere in a side aisle or back corner, they will have huge rolls of the wire set up on on a large rotating jig and can cut one very long piece to the length you specify. I did my measuring and added about 12' feet to the piece I bought. You may find, as I did, that the guy cutting the wire is very liberal with his measurements. Cheaper, the length you need and no splicing.