I'll start this post as MANY have: I've been lurking for months now, great forum. I was oh-so-close to purchasing a pair of M60s a few months ago for a stereo-only system, but choose the Paradigm Studio 60v2s instead. Now to my question
I have the joy of spending a friend's money!!! He is in the final stages of finishing his basement (~ 20'x15'x8' ceiling)), and has a budget as listed above. He is interested in 5.1, and requires all speakers and a receiver. I'm a Paradigm fan, as you can tell by my profile, but I'm more than a little intrigued by Axiom, and I figure what better way to audition them then with a friends money 'insert sarcasm'. His system will be 50/50 -- music/HT, and he is a fan of base with 'punch'. He has horrible taste in music... enjoys cranking Tool, Rage Against the Machine and the likes. I've tried to convince him of the joys of Diana Krawl, Norah Jones and Harry Connick Jr to no avail... so, I have a few systems in mind with a Paradigm/NAD combination but I'm curious to hear from the Axiom forum regulars. Any and all suggestions are welcome and appreciated.