Not trying to intrude upon this thread but I'll be ordering some in/onwalls later this month.

I like the idea of 3 m22's across the the front because they'll likely do a better job of displacing my current speakers. However...altering my display to accommodate a vertical m22 is something I'd really like to avoid.

So, these are the set ups I'm mulling over>

1- M22 l/r & M2 as a CC.
2-M2's for lrc or
3-M3's for lrc

My living room is ~15x20(2700^3ft). Looking at the specs the M3 & M22 both play down to ~60hz. I'm aware of the advantage the m3's provide across the front but how are they disadvantaged over the M22's(in set up #1) in your estimations or opinions? And of the 3 set ups which would be best?

Thanks, Bill... smile