When I run the YPAO and it sets the crossover, there's only one spot to check the crossover frequency. So in the speaker setup I select the front speakers and the options for None, Small, Large come up, you select one then it moves to the next set of speakers and so on. Once those are set it moves to the crossover frequency. The only option on this screen is to select a frequency. You can't select the speakers.

I don't see anywhere where you can see anything specific for the YPAO settings. If I set the crossover manually to 40 and then run the YPAO then go back to the crossover setting I can see it changed to 120. So definitely no setting that I can see for the individual channels.

There's an eq where I can select Auto PEQ or Center. AND that's about it for my receiver. Piece of crap! I wish I could have afforded a better one!

YOu know I'm starting to wonder if instead of getting M80's if I would be better off getting the QS8's and a better reciever...