For optimal support I would suggest a stilt, similar to the kind that hold up tilt up walls in new construction. To do this you'll need to angle a 2x4 45 degrees down and away from the bottom of your speaker and onto the floor. In order to keep the stilt in place you'll need 6" piece of 2x4 to use as a stop that will be nailed at the foot of the stilt using 2" concrete nails. (to avoid excess work, predrill some holes in the floor, don't worry about carpet, it won't hurt most drill bits). Now ideally, you'd want to break out the foundation where the stop will be and pour a 1'x1'x1' footing with anchor bolts comming out of the concrete, but that might be over kill, unless you decide to upgrade to bigger speakers in the future. Now, if your not married, then congradulations, you're done!! If you are married, you can extend your marrage by about a month or two if you paint the stilt a color that matches or accents your wall. That's it. I'm glad I could help!

Grass grows green when manuer is placed upon it.