> You've well phrased the issues.

Thanks :-)

> Note the VP150 is fairly large and weighs 17lbs. Make your
> measurements carefully. If TV mounted, verify your
> TV will support the weight and size.

I'll have a projector and screen in this room, so that won't be a problem -- but on the other hand, I have to decide whether to wall mount it or put it on a stand (or could I just put it on the floor, given that the room is carpeted?), so that'll still be a consideration for mounting. For that matter, I'd still have to decide whether to put the M22s on stands (if I choose those over M60s) or wall mount them; I'm assuming that the FMBs will allow enough clearance from the wall to not detract from the sound...

> The system you first stated will sound very good. If you
> ever move to a larger place maybe consider M60s
> then. Just my opinion.

Thanks for the input!
