I think that hyperbole lacks credibility.

Define "double the sound quality".

Rich, if you want an amp, get one. By all means. And if you are convinced that it will make a difference, then you will hear that difference.

I'm just pretty skeptical about some of that language.

I generally enjoy some of Roger Russell's writing.

Probably a good time to dust off the Stereo Review article from January 1987 - Do All Amplifiers Sound the Same?

You know, whatever makes you happy. I just find the SR article to be pretty compelling because they had significant financial disincentive to publish it. Manufacturers have a business interest in selling more amps, and hobbyists have a psychological imperative to justify those expenditures.

I'm not really in the "if you can't measure it, it doesn't exist" camp. But I'm not going to take it on faith from a salesman that I'll be "blown away by a ton" by switching from one distortion-less device to another one, either.

bibere usque ad hilaritatem