
Rapture, meaning Christ's return and meeting Him in the air, absolutely.

Rapture: meaning Christian's disappearing and leaving everyone else behind while still living, no. I never heard about it until Hal Lindsey wrote about it in his book "Late Great Planet Earth". Just because he isn't mentioned as the founder of the modern version of it, doesn't mean he didn't make it up. (He may have been using some one else's interpretation, but he was the first that I know of to make it popular.)

I find in the religious documentation on the net, that there is a LOT of miss-information. People's wrong opinion many times comes across as fact.

I remember a booklet one time that spoke out against one particular denomination written by a different denomination. After much study of it, I had to come to the conclusion that this booklet used another similar booklet as it's source. Yet, the other booklet stopped being published long ago and no copy of it could be found. Since I knew the subject matter at hand was false, it had to be clear cut case of intentional slander.

Last edited by CatBrat; 05/23/11 01:11 AM.