
Double hmmm. . . Interesting about adding distortion to instrument tracks to enhance the texture of the instrument.

But re your dance club comment, I'm sure it's not the distortion but the fact that virtually all club systems must use horn-loaded systems to achieve the SPLs in bigger spaces, and it's the horn loading that makes such speakers inherently harder and edgier-sounding, particularly in the midrange and upper treble.

In lots of cases, horn-loaded systems for clubs and concert sound reinforcement have very low THD, because the driver excursion is quite small. It doesn't have to be large because the horn loading give you huge SPLs for relatively small diaphragm movement.

But the trade-off is hardness and harsh coloration, unless very precise and careful EQ is applied (and it seldom is). Ain't no free lunch, as they say.


Alan Lofft,
Axiom Resident Expert (Retired)