First off thanks for all the replies. They really helped me reach a decision and stick with it. People here are really first rate.

Cats first.

Neither cat is declawed, just my preference. The older one is a bit more selective with the claws and I have high hopes that Smokey will improve with age. We really need a "rolls eyes" smilie here.

Joema, if we hadn't gotten our cats from the local SPCA that's the breed I would have gone for.

Yep, very good one Ron, I can just picture it.

Nice pic 2x6, I can clearly see the love in it's eyes

Jerry, good points, considering the cost of a set of stands it's not a lot more money, especially when averaged over 30 years

and now back to our regular programming.

Based on conversations with Axiom, and all the replies here, plus factoring in the cost of a set of stands (funny how I missed that) I'll be going with the 60's and the QS8s. If we ever downsize the house I'd love to move in a place with an unfinished basement where I can build a dedicated room. It's not like I don't have the time.

Ray thanks for making me smile . I decided to retire now as quite a few of my friends seemed to be passing on well before their time. I want to get a few (well actually quite a few) work free years in before I go to the big sleep. A few people have told me that 57 is too early but I'm any thing but bored and have even started doing some volunteer work with the botanical gardens near me.

I'm still hoping that I can go grill free, just have to see what happens.

Many years ago I got my sister-in-law (a noted cat fancier in our family) a book for Christmas. It was called 1,001 Things to do With a Dead Cat. Let me tell you, she was not happy about it. How anyone can "own" cats and not have a sense of humor is beyond me.


Getting to 2,000 posts; one year at a time vp160/qs8/qs4/SVS 2000/m60/Monolith 3x200 amp