here's an extract from a post in AVS forum by the owner of the company who makes the Ideal Lume:
"Our customers tend to be audiophile/videophile types and professionals, using the products for critical viewing and listening applications, including mastering. Such clients have included: NIST, ISF, THX Ltd., ILM, by deluxe, E-Film, CinRam, Deluxe Digital Studios, PostWorks, Electronic Arts, Radical Games, Zombie Studios, Factor 5, High Moon Studios, SlantSix Games, Universal Pictures, Joe Kane Productions, Microsoft Corp., Samsung Germany, Metropolitan Museum of Art- Video Production Lab, CNET Labs, Labs, Image Entertainment, DisplayMate Technologies, Rev13 Films, Filet Post Production, Canadian Communications Research Center, Digital Film Lab- Copenhagen, Splice Here, etc."

The post can be read on this specific page:

Last edited by J. B.; 08/15/11 05:26 PM.