Boy, talk about an open invitation . Your biggest improvement opportunity appears to be the quality of your audio and this should be done via speakers.

Let's do this by elimination:
1) The 5280 gets high marks from the audio review site that provides user reviews. Unless you need more power or something beyond 5.1, you look to be OK. This conclusion assumes there is no venting of your testoterone pressure required. Upgrades can happen here at Christmas.

2) 15" sub. Yeah, that can probably tickle your feet to an extent. Don't know how it compares to Axiom, HSU or SVS, but there is a presence already in place. No immediacy here and your next birthday is only a year away.

3) I'm going out on a limb here, , but I believe your description of a "crap" center and "crap" surrounds MIGHT be indicators of what you really want to do. The size of your room (and budget) dictates whether the M22s go to the rear with M60s replacing them or the M22s stay and the QS8s show up at the back of the room. Keeping the M22s up front with the QS8s in the back allows for the new center. The new center needs to show up regardless. You might even consider the M40s or M50s - they don't get the love they deserve.

Good luck with the fun.