thanks for all the replies. My comment about the "best" really meant best for the type of money the RS Analog cost. I'm just kinda interested in monitoring the SPL of my speakers for optimum output. I did the MCACC, but the more I read, it seems out of whack. For example, on the Hsu site for my subwoof, it states to have the AVR set at 0db for that channel and use the sub's volume to control output. The SC-55 set the sub channel at -11.5db. I know it's all about "what sounds good to you", but how do you know what will sound good or better or worse if you don't have a baseline to work from. It seems a SPL can help level things out across the image, which I guess the MCACC is really doing. It's an SPL of sorts. BTW, the Hsu came with a test disk that is pretty good. It even has various white and pink noises. If anyone wants a copy, drop me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

M22v3;VP150;QS8;Hsu VTF3-MK4 sub