I compared the M60ti's to the Paradigm Studio series (a step up from their monitor series) and the M60ti's were much better. Cleaner, tighter...simply better sounding. The Paradigms did seem a bit more solidly built though. (but it's sound that matter, no?)

I also compared the M60ti's to Energy Veritas 2.2's. Again, a large step up from the Energy Connoisseur series. The M60ti and Veritas 2.2 is a really close contest - sound wise...price wise it's a no brainer. The Veritas 2.2 has a nice resonance in the midrange that the M60ti lacked. But the M60ti had much more bass, and a lot cleaner detail. It was a tough choice between the two, but I loved the detail of the M60's and even getting the Veritas at half off, the Axioms were still less expensive!

The M60ti blows away the Connoisseur series.

Alas, I didn't compare the Polks. Though I doubt they'd hold up.

Yes, Axiom speakers are really that good.