joema thanks for asking. I have spent the last few days comparing both subs EP175 vs HSU STF-2. I had both volumes set the same and played both with music and DVD.

I did the depth charge scene from U571, I a novice at this stuff since I just got my HT so this is just my opinion. The STF-2 does have deeper bass tones, it times it seem too much, the EP175 was not far behind and was more balance. STF-2 was boomy with some music and seem distorted so I had to lower the volume on the back of the sub, I did not have this problem with the EP175. Both are good subs, I first got the EP175 for the WAF to match the other speakers. The only reason I considered the STF-2 and eventually got it for a great price was due to all the great reviews on the HT forums.